57,546 tweets
lost in time, like tears in rain
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ah yes, 1:30pm, the normal time to have to turn on all my lights to make it not feel like it’s 9pm already
I’ve done it, I’ve created the worst data structure ever
I always forget I own https://dessertbus.org/
A happy “what did I leave in the pocket of this coat” season to all!
When you pickle a red onion, you end up just putting it on everything for the next two weeks. Not a complaint.
top gun tom cruise mach 10 scene, but then he turns into a lizard
“Wait until 9pm to go get groceries, you won’t have to deal with a bunch of people and that terrible parking lot” sounds like a great idea until you go to start the car and somehow both headlights are out!?
ATP hosts as sun/moon/rising signs.
Until @tomhanks makes a 12-part series on the history of the shuttle program, this is a pretty good assembly of footage about STS-1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qde9hnb4pqk
Computing Reed Solomon matrix
#shaw is making TV Japan free for all customers for the next week. You'll find it on channel 514.
Dear every business ever: there's a 98% chance I'm looking at your website to find your hours. They should be there.
There’s a good chance that when the BC Vaccine Card launches this week that there’s not going to be any really easy way to show it on your phone. For iOS folks, I’ve come up with a way to hopefully solve that problem https://gist.github.com/dotsam/1ed47617fbf960862345353aaaeb79ea
In better news, remember the first time we walked on the fucking moon? 43 years ago today. Let’s do more stuff like that.
Hey #yyj, can you keep an eye out for my friend’s bike that got stolen today? Thanks! http://stolemyshoes.com/post/63061993361/weknowthenight-some-butthead-stole-joes-bike
I’ve retweeted other tweets 2,747 times (4.8%)
Most Retweeted
- mountain_goats 62 retweets
- SamsPlexServer 60 retweets
- slashfilm 59 retweets
- rstevens 50 retweets
- dotsam 44 retweets
- daveshumka 41 retweets
- SpaceflightNow 40 retweets
- TheOnion 39 retweets
- linguafluxa 37 retweets
- mrgan 29 retweets
Replies and Mentions
66.5% of my tweets are replies (×38,247)
Most Replies To
- klancashire 3192 replies
- tysonelder 1840 replies
- jwalsh 1596 replies
- zutzy 1318 replies
- MonDribs 1092 replies
I’ve sent someone a mention 1,456 times (2.5%)
Most Frequent Sites I’ve Linked To
19.9% of the links I’ve posted are using the https:
(824 of 4,146)
Top Domains
- twitter.com 1446 tweets
- tumblr.com 639 tweets
- twitpic.com 551 tweets
- bit.ly 449 tweets
- instagr.am 384 tweets
- gowal.la 247 tweets
- youtube.com 223 tweets
- stolemyshoes.com 221 tweets
- instagram.com 200 tweets
- t.co 101 tweets
Top Hosts
- twitter.com 1445 tweets
- twitpic.com 551 tweets
- tumblr.com 494 tweets
- bit.ly 449 tweets
- instagr.am 384 tweets
- gowal.la 247 tweets
- stolemyshoes.com 221 tweets
- www.youtube.com 209 tweets
- instagram.com 193 tweets
- t.co 101 tweets
My tweets have been given about ♻️ 937 retweets and ❤️ 13,565 likes
Top 10 Emoji Used in Tweets
- 🟩 used 1208 times on 128 tweets
- ⬜ used 953 times on 125 tweets
- 🟨 used 380 times on 117 tweets
- ⬛ used 34 times on 3 tweets
- 🎵 used 30 times on 14 tweets
- ❤️ used 16 times on 5 tweets
- ™ used 14 times on 14 tweets
- 👍 used 13 times on 9 tweets
- 👋🏻 used 10 times on 10 tweets
- 👏🏻 used 6 times on 2 tweets
115 unique emoji on 282 tweets (0.5% of all tweets***)
Top 5 Hashtags
used 232 timesbentmastorgy
used 131 timesyyj
used 79 timesvscocam
used 39 timesdesertbus
used 38 times on 37 tweets
2,080 hashtags on 2,076 tweets (3.8% of all tweets***)
Top 5 Swear Words
used 282 times on 279 tweetsd_mn
used 277 times on 273 tweetsf_ck
used 147 times on 145 tweetsf_cking
used 103 times on 100 tweetsa_s
used 99 times
1,394 swear words on 1,365 tweets (2.5% of all tweets***)
***: does not include retweets