Most Recent 40 Tweets
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ah yes, 1:30pm, the normal time to have to turn on all my lights to make it not feel like it’s 9pm already
I’ve done it, I’ve created the worst data structure ever
I always forget I own
A happy “what did I leave in the pocket of this coat” season to all!
When you pickle a red onion, you end up just putting it on everything for the next two weeks. Not a complaint.
top gun tom cruise mach 10 scene, but then he turns into a lizard
“Wait until 9pm to go get groceries, you won’t have to deal with a bunch of people and that terrible parking lot” sounds like a great idea until you go to start the car and somehow both headlights are out!?
ATP hosts as sun/moon/rising signs.
Until @tomhanks makes a 12-part series on the history of the shuttle program, this is a pretty good assembly of footage about STS-1
Computing Reed Solomon matrix
Bring back the original movie soundtrack theme song and tie-in music video!
Going to run my monitors at 24Hz so everything feels more ~ * c i n e m a t i c * ~
If you see someone wearing a podcast tshirt in Canada, you can be pretty sure that they really like that podcast, because it cost them $80.
It’s two 5.1K Ω resistors Michael. How much could they cost? Chinese consumer electronics manufacturers switching from micro USB to USB C: too much!
Ah yes, we’ve reached the point on a Friday afternoon where my brain stops being able to think through boolean logic.
Huh, I haven’t seen much noise about this. A Canadian Federal order just went into effect that requires Canadian ISPs to block a constantly updated list of IP addresses said to be hosting NHL streams (and/or some other confidential criteria)
BetterDummy ( + screen sharing = a decent poor man’s network extended display while I’m out at my folks dogsitting for a few days
Not me digging digging through different backups of my Safari CloudTabs.db to try and find the 300+ tabs that disappeared from my iPhone. Nope. No way.
Has anyone ever explored the latent heat of a baked cherry tomato as a possible source of perpetual energy?
I gotta say, I really do still love PHP. New language features added in 7 and 8 have been great, and I love that I can scale from a project with a big framework and a package manager down to hacking something together in literally (
wc -l *.php
) 85 lines of code and have an MVP -
You’re telling me an object oriented this program?
Text: Your package has been delivered! Me: Huh, no nock or buzz or anything, I’ll check the lobby. Nope, not there. Delivery Confirmation Photo: Delivered to a cafe two blocks away.
Closing the trail of tabs and discovering how I got from A to Z
No, sorry, you can’t merge in front of me when you’re behind me and it’s your lane that’s ending, that’s not how that works.
Another year where I think on March 13th that I should do something more exciting with and then I don’t.
*watching Obi-Wan trailer* Guess I’ll never not be able to hear “corn on the cob” in Duel of the Fates
Just updating the firmware on my soldering iron. Totally normal things.