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#shaw is making TV Japan free for all customers for the next week. You'll find it on channel 514.
Dear every business ever: there's a 98% chance I'm looking at your website to find your hours. They should be there.
There’s a good chance that when the BC Vaccine Card launches this week that there’s not going to be any really easy way to show it on your phone. For iOS folks, I’ve come up with a way to hopefully solve that problem https://gist.github.com/dotsam/1ed47617fbf960862345353aaaeb79ea
In better news, remember the first time we walked on the fucking moon? 43 years ago today. Let’s do more stuff like that.
Hey #yyj, can you keep an eye out for my friend’s bike that got stolen today? Thanks! http://stolemyshoes.com/post/63061993361/weknowthenight-some-butthead-stole-joes-bike
Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker. Yippee-ki-yay motherfucker everyone....
The BC Vaccine Card is live, and as preditected, there’s no solution provided for how to easily show it on your phone, so check out my guide for one way to do it https://www.healthgateway.gov.bc.ca/vaccinecard @dotsam/1435013431770304513
Never before has someone, through their vision, passion, determination, and drive, brought the news of their passing to so many so quickly.
Cloverdale area power outage is lines down on Quadra across from thrifty foods. Fire dept. on scene, Quadra closed. No ETA from BC Hydro.
I won’t be happy until I can bring my own beer to a restaurant. This is discrimination, I tell you!
Only possible upside to Coors Light Iced T? Can be abbreviated CLIT.
The greatest trick Skynet ever pulled was convincing the world it didn't change its name to Google.
@crdudeyoutube What, like this?
John Candy’s character offering Catherine O'Hara’s character a ride in Home Alone is a lot more touching than I remember. It’s been a long 21 months.
“Ah yes, rain, a road condition that requires zero adjustments to my already shitty driving behaviour.” – Every driver in Victoria
If drivers have trouble with a “Stop” sign on a sunny day, I guess it’s a lot to ask to remember a little middle-school physics about friction and velocity on a snowy day.
If you’re not pooping at work, whose time do you really value more?
I am most commonly introduced these days as “the guy who runs the Plex server”
@Foone No, I usually just get out the LaserDisc
I scanned the QR code on a piece of industrial equipment and it took me directly to the PDF manual I needed. This is the only legitimate use of QR codes.
As an introvert, it’s a weird feeling to be… sad? when plans with friends are cancelled? But it’s also nice that we are all agreed that shrinking social circles and contacts is the right thing to do right now.